
Free Download | Vintage Pear Gift Wrap + Wallpaper 

1 min read
vintage pear giftwrap

I came across some beautiful vintage pear illustrations last week and started playing around with making patterns out of them and thought they would make pretty gift wrap. So as a thank you to you, our readers,  I created them into a printable, along with a matching gingham wrap also.  There’s some desktop wallpaper too if you’re interested.   Links to downloads below

vintage pear and gingham giftwrap
printable vintage pear gift wrap
pear gift wrap

Gift Wrap
Download pear gift wrap here.
Download the gingham gift wrap here.

Desktop Wallpaper

pear digital wallpaper
pear digital wallpaper
Version 1
desktop pear wallpaper
Version 2

Download Pear Desktop

(Version 1)  wallpaper here and/or (Version 2) here.

printable pear gingham giftwrap

Jan Halvarson

Jan founded Poppytalk in 2005 while a student at Emily Carr Institute of Art and Design (now ECU) to catalogue inspiration from typography to interior design. Since then she’s collaborated with Target (creating a limited edition glamping collection), a wallpaper collection with Milton & King, as well has written as a contributor at Wired, Martha Stewart and Huffington Post.